DCIC at Black Cat
Here's the final track from our performance last month at the Black Cat. Dan (bass player) couldn't make it, so DCIC was a trio: Mike Sebastian (sax), Ben Azzara (drums) and me. Mike's new horn sounds particularly nice on this track -- and his playing is lyrical and bittersweet. I think this piece has a kind of wintery feel, so a nice choice for a snowy weekend... The rest of the show is posted on our site for free download: http://dcic.alkem.org
Well, not the whole show. I forgot to press record before we started playing, so the recording is missing the first fifteen minutes or so.
We'll be playing next saturday (12/17) at Warehouse Next Door along with The Antiques, Sarah Azzara, Lida Husik (who is coming to sit in at DCIC rehearsal tomorrow... I'm eager to see how that works), Kohoutek, Pup Tent, and Shame Girl. The show is a benefit for Alkem, which provides free web hosting for artists and small arts organizations.
did you see that the alkem show got a write up in Express yesterday?
yeah, i did see that... i think it was written by the same people that do "nightlife" for the post-- curious if it might show up in the post as well?
same blurb DID show up in the wash. post... hooray![link]
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